"Fog on the Barrow Downs"

Hmm.. Apparently I'm starting to build up some form of stability with this thing, don't you think?? Right, let's start!
Well, like last time, there isn't that much to tell, it's been business as usual, with a couple of comings and goings (no pun intended =p), but mostly just work, work, work, rehearsals, a little partying, and oh! a tonsil infection that came out of nowhere!! I had to get shots for six days!! Needless to say, my poor butt was killing me... =S But I'm all better now...
In other news, I finished (or almost) my first real assignment at work; it was fun at times, but a bit painstaking and tiring at others, but I got it done, and I must say that it feels kind of nice to finally be a part of something, even if it's just a small role in a much bigger scenario, but hey! You gotta start somewhere, right??
And finally, guess what?? After 20 years, the Dodgers finally got out of the first round of the playoffs, sweeping the Chicago Cubs!! I have a good feeling about this team; it kind of resembles the "underdog" team back in '88, when they beat the allegedly unbeatable Oakland A's... They say "history repeats itself.." Could it be true this time??
Well kids, thanks for reading! Oh, and pardon my writing entirely in English this time; I just didn't feel like punching extra keys for Spanish punctuation purposes... =p I leave you with a pic of a view of my foot while lying in a hammock... See you next time..