Sunday, February 25, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
...jeje, nótese por el título del presente blog que recientemente acabo de ver "Borat" (al fin, jejejeje...)
Bueno, pues, la verdad sigo sin mucho que contar; me la he llevado trabajando, casi casi. Al parecer, este siguiente martes vamos a dar los primeros pasitos con la nueva banda que ando armando para tocar covers rockeros para complementar mi economía, y, ¿por qué no? Divertirme un poco también! A ver si de perdida nos va bien por el hecho de que, aparte de que no estamos taaaaan feos (como integrantes de varios grupos locales...), tocaríamos rolas que casi nadie- si no es que nadie- toca en Ensenada... Ya veremos...
Ahhh... ya voy para 2 meses con mi "Florecita Azteca", jeje. Aunque mayoritariamente todo ha salido muy bien, claro que ha habido sus dificultades, pero pues, ambos estamos convencidos de que mientras haya voluntad -y más que nada, amor- las seguiremos superando sin mayor problema..
Pues por los pronto ahi los dejo... Si surge algo digno de comentarse, pues les iré avisando. Ah! El próximo fin es el cumple del George... Party.... Ajaum....
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
"I am a Viking"

I am a Viking, I'm going off to war;
I've got Death upon my mind.
As I was leaving, yesterday
I had no fear in my heart
As the shores of my home disappear
I sail over the seas, without fear
Dragon ships are charging through the waves
Just want to sail away, far away
into the Sea...
I am a Warrior, my mind is set to kill;
life or death is on the line.
I am a slayer, and you will taste my steel;
I've got your life right in my hands!
As the shores of my home disappear...
You are a loser, and it's such a shame
that you're a fool and you don't know
that I'm a Viking, and I'll walk all over you,
and by my sword YOU WILL DIE!!!
...Dragon ships are charging through the waves;
just want to sail away, far away,
into the Sea...
.- Yngwie Malmsteen, Marching Out, 1985
"A soldier's prayer"
Lord(s), give me a way to accept things I cannot change anymore,
the courage to change those that I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference...
These are the words of a person fighting for a better life, both for himself and his loved ones. May they ring true..
"Paradise Lost"
Quoting (well, sort of...) Brittany Murphy with a line from "Little Black Book": How does a guy fall through a rabbit hole and come out at the other end unchanged? The answer: He doesn't...
On these past few days, I came to a clash with reality of sorts, and I was truly shaken like a snake's rattle... It turns out that things weren't as I thought them to be in many aspects of my life; I was forced to forced to look at myself in the mirror, and I didn't like what I saw; for the first time, I saw a possible "dead end" to my relationship, though apparently it may be averted after all... and I also woke to discover that I have no choice than to swim in a cesspool of lies and deceit, which could lead me to do unspeakable (not to mention unprecedented) acts, and all just to stand up for and protect those whom I love...
I pray to the Gods so that may all not come to the bitter conclusion that I predict it might come to, and if it does come to that, may I emerge victorious...
On these past few days, I came to a clash with reality of sorts, and I was truly shaken like a snake's rattle... It turns out that things weren't as I thought them to be in many aspects of my life; I was forced to forced to look at myself in the mirror, and I didn't like what I saw; for the first time, I saw a possible "dead end" to my relationship, though apparently it may be averted after all... and I also woke to discover that I have no choice than to swim in a cesspool of lies and deceit, which could lead me to do unspeakable (not to mention unprecedented) acts, and all just to stand up for and protect those whom I love...
I pray to the Gods so that may all not come to the bitter conclusion that I predict it might come to, and if it does come to that, may I emerge victorious...